Healthy Breakfasts: What Foods Should You Include?

Breakfast is the meal of the day, along with snack, in which the most processed appear. It represents the first intake after a period of fasting, therefore it must deliver high-quality nutrients to the body. How to prepare healthy breakfasts?

Breakfast must be varied. However, it is convenient that you include natural foods instead of cookies, cereals or pastries. In this way, it manages to provide interesting health benefits.

Here we tell you more about the foods that should appear at this time of day.

Is it the most important meal of the day?

Opinions are divided. As supported by a study published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science , other practices such as intermittent fasting also provide health benefits. In addition, it must be considered that in many households breakfast is still a low-quality meal, especially since it tends to introduce many processed foods.

In any case, if we talk about healthy breakfasts, it should be noted that they are also protagonists in the list of habits to promote health. According to a recent research published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , beyond whether or omitted eat breakfast, what matters is its quality.

Therefore, food education is important so that little by little fresh foods replace processed foods first thing in the day. In this way, the necessary nutrients will be provided to perform correctly in the morning and not create deficits.

How to get healthy and varied breakfasts?

Healthy and varied breakfasts are those that contain a source of protein, another of fat and a last, optional, of low-glycemic carbohydrates. Within the proteins we can choose an animal source (milk, ham, turkey, cheese, loin, etc.) or a vegetable source (nuts).

In the section on fats, it is best to use extra virgin olive oil or avocado. As for carbohydrates, the best choice is oatmeal, which also provides a lot of fiber.

Healthy breakfasts

Don’t forget the fruit

Vitamins and minerals are an essential part and therefore need to be included. The best way to guarantee an optimal supply of these nutrients is to include fruit. Fresh fruit is the priority choice, however fresh juices may be an option from time to time.

Milk, cow’s milk, please

Despite advertising and trends to the contrary, milk is still an excellent food. Vegetable drinks that are intended to replace it are usually high in sugar (with the exception of those made at home). Dairy products, however, are a very interesting source of protein and fat.

They are also rich in calcium and vitamin D (deficient in a large part of the population, according to a study carried out in 2017). Therefore, they are a great option to prevent bone demineralization in the future, especially in women. They should be avoided only in case of intolerance.

Seeds, a good complement

If you are looking for perfection, do not rule out including a good source of antioxidants. Chia or sesame seeds fit the description perfectly, although you should eat them in moderation as they are very high in calories.

What should you avoid to have healthy breakfasts?

Processed foods are never a good option. They contain too many trans fats and sugars that put great stress on the pancreas. In addition, they can favor the appearance of free radicals and inflammatory processes. Therefore, commercial pastries, cereals, cookies and juices should not usually appear in a good breakfast.

Bread and pastries.

If you don’t have much time

One of the main problems when preparing a balanced breakfast is the lack of time in the morning. In these cases it is a good idea to leave something prepared the night before. Oat pancakes are a very useful option in these cases. They endure the night well at room temperature and fruit or yogurt can be added to improve their flavor.

Breakfast should be varied, so it is important to avoid monotony. Another option is the low-sugar biscuits with whole wheat flour. It is possible to add nuts to improve their nutritional value and accompany them with fruit.

Some examples of healthy breakfasts

  • Toast with olive oil, grated tomato and turkey. A coffee with milk and a piece of fruit
  • Bowl of fresh milk, oatmeal, chia seeds, a handful of walnuts and chopped pineapple
  • Yogurt or fresh cheese whipped with sesame seeds and peanuts. Melon with ham. Coffee
  • Small guacamole sandwich with tuna, a piece of fruit and coffee.

How healthy are your breakfasts? From now on, take into account all the recommendations cited. In this way you will enjoy a first meal full of nutrients that benefit the functions of your body.

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