Keys To Eating Less Without Starving

One of the concerns of many people who do little or no physical activity is gaining weight. In people with sedentary lifestyles , the caloric balance would have to be compensated by reducing food intake per day. There are certain tricks to eat less without starving or anxiety.

It is a matter of carrying out certain strategies that start a hormonal response that acts on the mechanism of appetite and satiety. Let’s see below some keys so that you eat less without this implying added stress.

Fast without starving

Skipping breakfast is associated with increased growth hormone production and therefore increased lipolysis. Also, due to a series of hormonal interactions between GH and ghrelin, you are less likely to feel hungry in the morning than at other times of the day.

During the fasting period, the intake of black coffee, tea, water and caloric beverages is allowed. You can take advantage of the anorectic effects of coffee (appetite suppressant) to reduce the urge to eat throughout the morning. Remember not to sweeten it so as not to break the hormonal mechanisms of fasting.

This dietary protocol is associated with a marked improvement in body composition, according to a study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition ESPEN . In addition, it causes improvements in the lipid profile and insulin sensitivity.

Unless you are pregnant or have a recurrent uncontrolled migraine, this protocol may be for you. Start by trying not to eat breakfast for at least 3 days a week, trying not to consume caloric foods in an interval of at least 16 hours.

If you already have experience with fasting, you can extend this recommendation to every day. Experts can fast for 24 hours a week to further reduce the overall caloric count.

Fasting during quarantine

Oats as the main carbohydrate of choice

The key mechanism to control intake is satiety, this way you can eat less without starving in a short time. If you stimulate this situation you will get a lower daily caloric intake. There are foods that have the ability to induce satiety. They are usually protein or high-fiber foods.

One of them is oatmeal. This cereal has a high amount of beta glucans that suppress the appetite, as evidenced by the journal Nutrition Reviews. In addition, oats have the ability to selectively stimulate bacterial growth in the intestine.

This modification of the microbiota can improve body composition, according to an article published in the European Journal of Internal Medicine.

Eat lots of vegetables

The best way to reduce the number of calories per day is to cut out processed foods. Instead, it is convenient to prioritize fresh ones, such as vegetables and fruits. Vegetables contain a large amount of water and fiber. In this way, it increases hydration while stimulating the mechanisms of satiety.

Another of its advantages is its low caloric density. For this reason, the abundant consumption of these foods can be allowed without this having a negative effect on the total energy count. Accompanying your dishes with a good amount of vegetables is a good way to calm your appetite and anxiety.

You should not forget that these foods contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. All these micronutrients will help the proper performance of organic functions.

Eating lots of vegetables during quarantine

Eat less without starving: what should you be clear about?

Eating less without starving is sometimes a matter of organization and food selection. Performing intermittent fasting and prioritizing the consumption of fresh over processed foods are two good strategies when limiting caloric intake.

In addition, it is advisable to choose foods rich in fiber. In this way, you can stimulate the mechanisms of satiety to reduce the levels of anxiety about food. Try not to buy products rich in sugar to avoid being tempted. Instead, fill your pantry with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

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