7 Things That Rob You Of Energy And How To Combat Them

Did you know that a messy home can be the source of your lack of energy? Believe it or not, chaos may be interfering with your well-being.

Often times there are actions that wear us out too much, that rob us of energy and that are completely avoidable, if we set our mind to it. Can you identify yours? Do you want to exchange them for actions that help you gain well-being?

If the answer is yes, then do not miss these tips that will allow you to avoid it; you will see how you feel much better. They are simple customs that will make you have a much more pleasant life without making great efforts for it.

1. Do not owe anything to anyone

Money problems are usually one of the main causes that end up leading to major headaches. One of your goals, therefore, has to be not to owe money to anyone.

Unpaid bills tie us down and undermine the trust that others may have in us. So, if you want them to pay you what they owe you, try to do it yourself.

It is about being consistent with a way of life. Be responsible. You will feel better, others will have a better concept of you and, in the end, this will translate into peace of mind for you.

2. Choose well with whom you relate

Happy friends chatting

The influence of some people may turn out to be negative for us when we stop prioritizing ourselves to attend to their needs. Yes, by wanting to help them and “see them well”, it is possible that we end up receiving all their complaints and negative energy, one day in and another as well.

People who are demanding and rob us of both physical and mental energy are not good company. And we ourselves, when we become emotional sponges, neither are we.

You must find a balance between your own needs and the willingness or willingness to help, listen and care for others. Doing one does not have to be at odds with the other on a day-to-day basis, and if it does, then certain aspects must be improved.

3. Take responsibility and face adversity

Various adversities come to all of us in life. The key is to know how to deal with them so as not to get stuck in the discomfort that some of them may produce. To begin with, the best thing you can do is take the situation and take responsibility for yourself, for how you feel, what you think, what you want and what you need.

If there is something that bothers you, express it and remove it from your life. Do not wait for someone else to solve it for you. You have to be the one to decide how to live your life, in good days and not so good, how to manage each phase and what to keep in mind and heart.

4. Dedicate your time to what contributes to you

family home cooking

Reduce -as much as possible- the time you dedicate to those tasks that do not add anything to your life (such as spending hours looking at other people’s profiles on social networks) and dedicate your time to doing those that you really enjoy.

Many times, we waste time on trifles that steal energy and we abandon what is really important in our life: doing what we like and fulfilling our own responsibilities.

If what you enjoy the most is spending time with your loved ones, try to do it regularly. The same goes for painting, dancing or any other activity. Make space in your agenda for it, respect it and you will notice how your well-being increases significantly.

5. Order your life

Collect and organize your room or your house. If there is something that robs you of energy, it is a messy space full of things that you no longer need. See what you want to keep and what you don’t, and throw it away. The more clutter around you, the more difficult it will be for you to organize yourself.

Organizing your life should be key, both literally and metaphorically, says psychologist Jordan Peterson in his book  12 Rules for Life.

6. Assertiveness will make you happier

Learn to say no. You may be one of the people who have a hard time saying “no”, for whatever reason, from being ashamed to being afraid of being upset with you. In that case, consider the type of life you are having, if it is the one you want or the one that others want. Are you happy like this?

It is not about stopping listening to others completely and becoming a completely selfish person, but about learning to put a healthy boundary between what you want and need and what others consider to be good, useful, or suitable for you.

Before making important decisions, give yourself some time to reflect. 

7. Your health comes first

Doing yoga to lose weight is effective.

None of the above makes sense if you are not in good health, so do not forget to take care of yourself every day to be and feel good. This means exercising, eating right, listening to your mind and body, getting plenty of rest, and balancing yourself in every aspect of your life.

Many times we stop eating well because of the rush, or we stop exercising to do something “productive” and with this we do not realize that this way, little by little, our energy decreases and we are feeling bad. Therefore, it is important not to completely put aside everything that adds and nurtures.

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