10 Tricks To Get A Light Breakfast

One of the keys to maintaining a healthy weight is eating a light breakfast every day. Contrary to what many think, ignoring this first meal is counterproductive, as it increases the feeling of anxiety and slows down the functions of the metabolism.

After a night’s rest, the body needs to recharge with energy to be able to function in optimal conditions throughout the day. Therefore, instead of having a simple coffee with cookies, it is essential to maintain a breakfast of high nutritional quality.

This means that it must contain an adequate balance of macronutrients and micronutrients, to reach a total of 25% of the daily calorie intake. So, the ideal is to design it with organic and less processed foods. Discover other tips.

The best tricks for a light breakfast

Preparing a light breakfast doesn’t have to be synonymous with bland or overly restrictive recipes. Although avoiding sugars, fats, and simple carbohydrates is suggested, it can contain delicious foods such as meats, whole grains, and vegetables.

Best of all, it doesn’t take too long to prepare, since you just need to make a good choice and combination of foods. Here we share some tricks to make it easier. Keep them in mind!

1. Eat healthy carbohydrates

Healthy or complex carbohydrates are those that come from energy foods such as oatmeal, rye bread, or corn flakes. Its consumption does not cause alterations in blood glucose levels and helps prolong satiety.

Some of these products, such as oats, have fibers that have been shown to be beneficial for the gut microbiota. Thanks to it, a greater biodiversity of microorganisms is achieved in the digestive tract.

2. Choose low-fat protein

Foods of animal origin are a main source of proteins of high biological value; however, due to their fat content, it is best to take them in moderation. Instead,  you can consume protein from low-fat sources such as nuts, seeds, and legumes.

3. Drink dairy

Dairy products are the best alternative for a healthy breakfast. It is important to prioritize those that have undergone some fermentation process. These have probiotics that improve the functioning of the intestine, according to a study published in the Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.

4. Add fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits.

Much of your breakfast can be made up of servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. This variety of foods is very low in calories and represents an important source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber.

5. Avoid cold cuts

The cold cuts are appetizing and always look fresh. The problem is that they are full of trans fats, chemical additives and flours that are harmful. Although they are delicious on sandwiches, they should be replaced by healthy meats such as chicken or fish.

It must be taken into account that some of the additives contained in sausages, such as nitrites, are capable of increasing the risk of getting sick. This is evidenced by a study published in Nutrients .

6. Make recipes with eggs

One of the most delicious ingredients for a light and varied breakfast is the egg. This important source of protein, biotin and minerals is a good supplement to increase energy level and improve physical and mental productivity.

7. Prepare smoothies

There are many recipes for fruit and vegetable smoothies that combine very beneficial ingredients for your health. Its preparation is a quick and delicious way to enjoy a more complete and nutritious breakfast. You can make them with foods such as:

  • Oats and quinoa.
  • Ripe avocado.
  • Green vegetables.
  • Almond milk.
  • Fruits of the forest.
  • Banana.
  • Nuts.
  • Chia seeds.
  • Natural yogurt.

8. Moderate portions

As we already mentioned, a good breakfast should be the equivalent of 25% of total calories. However, it should be clarified that this does not imply taking excessive portions. To maintain the concept of a light breakfast, the plate should be moderate, with what is necessary to be satisfied.

9. Eat it at the same time

Another key to a healthy breakfast is to maintain a regular schedule for consumption. Thus, the general recommendation is to take it within the first hour after waking up. In addition, it should be eaten calmly, chewing food well.

10. Innovate recipes

The last trick to keep a light breakfast is to learn to innovate the recipes, leaving the traditional. Many people begin to downplay this food because they get tired of eating the same thing every day.

Try to vary it with options like:

  • Greek yogurt with dried fruit and chia seeds.
  • Turkey and orange juice sandwich.
  • Mixed salad with pieces of breast and infusion.
  • Pasta and vegetable salad, a portion of whole wheat bread and coffee with milk.
  • Whole wheat bread with avocado, boiled egg and coffee with milk.
  • Green vegetable smoothie, whole grain cookies and egg.

Improve breakfast quality

Do you keep downplaying breakfast? Now that you know how to improve it, start to enjoy its benefits in the diet. Of course, you can vary it to your liking, as long as you maintain a balance of nutrients.

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