Whipped Cake

The whipped cake is a basic recipe par excellence, as it is versatile and delicious. Its name comes from the way it is made, as all the ingredients are prepared in the blender, giving it a smooth and creamy texture.

We invite you to prepare this dessert and add it to your recipe book, it will be very useful.

Ingredients for the whipped cake

  • 55 g cornstarch
  • 300g sugar
  • 180 g of pastry flour
  • 4 large eggs
  • 10 g of vanilla essence
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder
  • 125 cc of hot milk
  • 100g butter


  • Round mold for cakes of 22 centimeters in diameter
  • Sieve or strainer
  • Mixing bowl
  • Blender
  • Knife

Author: Javier García

Preparation of the whipped cake

  • First, put the eggs in a large bowl and beat them in the mixer together with the sugar, until they are whitish. This process will take about 10 minutes, so you must be patient.
  • Then, in a separate container, sift the flour, cornstarch and baking powder, in this way you will eliminate all the lumps and facilitate their incorporation with the other ingredients. Reserve for later.
  • On the other hand, cut the butter into cubes and melt it in a deep saucepan without letting it burn.
  • Then add the milk and stir until it boils, once it reaches this point, remove it from the heat.
  • Add the vanilla essence.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
  • Then, in the bowl where you have the eggs, and without stopping beating, alternate adding a tablespoon of the flour with a tablespoon of the hot milk, until the ingredients are finished.
  • Butter and flour the mold that you are going to use to bake your dessert and pour the mixture into it.
  • Bake the cake for approximately 30 minutes, to know if it is ready, insert the tip of a knife in the center of the cake and if it comes out clean, it means that your dessert is ready.
  • Remove from the oven and let it cool for 15 minutes inside the mold, this will prevent the cake from deforming.
  • When it has cooled a bit, remove the mold and let it cool completely.
  • To decorate you can pour fruit syrup or honey over the cake, or you can simply sprinkle the cake with icing sugar.
  • Finally, once you have your cake decorated, you can serve it on the table as a snack or dessert or store it in the fridge to be consumed later. 

Ricotta Cake

Interesting facts about the whipped cake

  • First of all, it is important that when you mix the ingredients with the eggs, you start with the flour and finish with it, as this will give the cake a better texture and it will be fluffier.
  • Second, the smoothie in this recipe is extremely important, so you better take your time and get it right.
  • On the other hand, making this dessert will take about an hour, including baking and decorating time.
  • In addition, this recipe is very versatile and allows you to include flavors such as orange or chocolate. This is because the texture is moldable and adapts very well to different flavors.
  • If a dome-like protrusion comes out when baking the dough, don’t worry, once it cools it will level out.
  • It is also important that you keep an eye on the baking process at all times. All ovens work differently, so you must be careful so that your cake does not burn.
  • If you do not want to use the knife to test that the cake is ready, you can insert a wooden toothpick, when it comes out without residues it means that it is ready.
  • You can consume this dessert immediately or you can reserve it in the fridge so that it is better preserved.
  • Finally, you can prepare different types of decorations, ranging from icing to those that include cream or pastillage. Just keep in mind to level the flavors well so that they do not compete with each other.

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