Canker Sores In Children: How To Treat Them?

Canker sores are recurring lesions in children. Although they are not serious, they can cause pain and discomfort. How to combat them? In this space we share your pharmacological and natural treatment.

The appearance of canker sores in children can be worrisome at first. However, as detailed in an article published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information , these lesions are benign and tend to disappear on their own in a short time.

As some know, the mouth is a site susceptible to various conditions. Among these, canker sores or “mouth ulcers” are one of the most common. In fact, it is estimated that they affect 85% of people. How to treat them when they occur in children? Coming up next, we tell you.

Canker sores or canker sores in children

Canker sores are also known in popular language as “sores.” Its appearance is related to several factors; however, in the case of children, it is attributed to the habit of putting multiple objects to their mouths. The lesions that appear are inflammatory and cause pain.

They begin as an elevation in the oral mucosa, white in color, which can progress to an oval or circular ulcer. And although they are shallow and clean edges, their bottom can be necrotic with a variable diameter.

In general, canker sores in children appear on the mucosa of the cheeks; however, they also tend to occur on the lips, tongue, and gums. For some unknown reason, this condition is more common in females than males.

In addition, on certain occasions, they can occur repeatedly over time. In this case, it is a pathology called “recurrent aphthous stomatitis”, which manifests itself through single or multiple lesions of various sizes.

Canker sores or canker sores in children

Treatment of canker sores

Regardless of whether it is an isolated lesion or ‘recurrent aphthous stomatitis’, the lesions usually disappear on their own in approximately 7 days. However, canker sores in children can be very painful and sometimes prevent food intake.

This is why many people wonder what to do to speed up their recovery. In this sense, there are two therapeutic options: one pharmacological and the other through natural remedies. Both options are useful to improve symptoms and avoid possible complications.


Because this is such a common symptom, it is not surprising that there are a wide range of drugs that help promote healing. Most of them are for topical use, that is, they act on the affected area directly. Now, among the options we have the following:

  • Antiseptics such as chlorhexidine gel or mouthwashes, which can be used to combat the microorganisms causing the injury.
  • Topical anti-inflammatories and corticosteroids, which enhance the action of antiseptics.
  • If the oral infection is caused by bacteria, antibiotics may be necessary.

On the other hand, when the cases are severe, a systemic treatment with oral corticosteroids has been suggested. The latter should be done under medical supervision, only when canker sores are very recurrent or too symptomatic.

Natural treatment

Some natural remedies can be used as adjuvants to treat canker sores in children. While they are not the first line option, they can be helpful in reducing inflammation and fighting existing infection. Ideally, of course, they should have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

  • One of the most used alternatives is to prepare rinses with warm water with salt or bicarbonate of soda. The remedy is done between 2 and 3 times a day, until you notice an improvement. The mixture should be prepared with a pinch of salt or bicarbonate for half a glass of warm water. It should not be ingested.
  • Another ingredient that is often used for this purpose is aloe vera. The gel contained in the leaf has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that favor the relief of this injury. Just take a small amount and rub it on the wound.
Aloe vera for shampoo.

How to prevent the appearance of canker sores in children?

At this point it is important to note that, in most cases, canker sores and “recurrent aphthous stomatitis” do not have a specific cause. These lesions may appear due to a genetic predisposition or due to one of the following situations:

  • Viral or bacterial infection.
  • Stress.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Trauma from orthodontic treatments.
  • Hormonal changes.

The prevention of canker sores in children will be focused on combating all the aforementioned situations. In the first instance, the main thing is that the little ones have adequate oral hygiene. Therefore, they should brush their teeth 3 times a day and use mouthwash at least 1 time a day.

In the case of trauma due to orthodontic treatment, what should be done is to consult a specialist, although the symptoms usually remit in a short time in these cases. It is also recommended that minors take vitamin supplements, as well as foods rich in B vitamins.

Some recommended foods are the following:

  • Green leafy vegetables.
  • Assorted fruits.
  • Dairy products.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Eggs.
  • Lean meats
  • Whole grains. 

General considerations

Although canker sores are not dangerous, they can be very annoying, especially in children. In them, they are able to limit the daily food intake and cause general discomfort.

Therefore, the various treatments available will be focused on reducing inflammation, eliminating pain and promoting healing. In addition, these injuries can be prevented if you have proper oral hygiene, with proper tooth brushing.

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