Fitboxing: What Is It And What Are Its Benefits?

Have you heard about fitboxing and its benefits? This sports discipline combines fitness and boxing exercises to help you stay in shape. We will tell you what it is about.

The fitboxing is a sport that has gained popularity among those who want to get fit. It originated in the United States and is a combination of boxing, kickboxing , muay thai and crossfit exercises , the purpose of which is to train the whole body in a comprehensive way.

At first it may seem that it is an aggressive practice, oriented only for those who are in optimal physical condition. However, the truth is that there are exercises for all audiences, from young people to older adults. Do you want to know more about its benefits? Keep reading!

What is fitboxing?

The fitboxing is a relatively new sport that draws attention for its interesting benefits. Combine fitness training exercises – such as those done with your own body weight or TRX – with techniques typical of boxing and martial arts.

Its main objective is to help maintain the physical shape of the body, beyond gaining muscle mass or losing weight. Of course, the latter are some of its benefits, since high intensity sessions, lasting about 60 minutes, contribute to burning up to 1000 calories.

Among other things, it strengthens cardiorespiratory function, increases physical endurance, and improves agility and coordination. The best? It does not take too long and is suitable for almost anyone.

How is fitboxing practiced?

The fitboxing is a form of aerobic exercise that comes hand in hand with some functional exercises. Sessions are often 47 minutes in length and are called ‘challenges’ . They begin with a warm-up phase, which lasts about 15 minutes, in which cardio and toning exercises are done to activate the muscles.

Then, with the help of a coach, the person starts boxing and kickboxing training  to the beat of music. At this point, 8 rounds of 2 minutes of exercise in the bag, combined with 8 exercises performed 1 minute bodyweight (weight training itself).

This is followed by a 10-minute session of functional training (fitness)  with the help of resistance bands, TRX, fitball , among other tools. To finish, do 6 minutes of toning activities and another 10 of stretching.

Gym for fitboxing-

Benefits of fitboxing

In general, physical activity has a wide variety of health benefits. The fitboxing in particular stands out for its effectiveness in burning calories and improve body shape. Of course, it has other advantages. Discover them!

Helps fight stress

One of the main reasons to practice fitboxing is that it reduces stress and anxiety levels. By incorporating aerobic exercise, its performance favors the release of endorphins.

This, as a review published in Frontiers in Psychology explains , reduces tension and increases feelings of well-being.

Helps to take care of cardiovascular health

Regular fitboxing training also translates into improvements for cardiovascular health. Since it stimulates blood circulation at a general level, it helps regulate blood pressure.

In turn, it helps control overweight and obesity, factors that significantly affect the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Burn more calories

The combination of interval exercise with fitboxing increases calorie burning, even above other sports disciplines.

Of course, this varies according to the intensity with which it is practiced. In any case, it is estimated that 47 to 60 minute sessions help burn up to 1,000 calories, which supports a healthy weight.

Helps to tone

This type of training optimally works all muscle groups. This, added to its ability to increase fat burning, favors the toning of the body. The result? A more defined and aesthetic figure.

Improves coordination and stability

One of the most important effects of this discipline is that it strengthens the central muscles, also called core . By including quick rotational movements, it optimally works this part of the body. According to an article published in Harvard Health , this stabilizes balance, improves coordination, and increases athletic performance.

Increase self-esteem

Several studies, such as one published in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment , show that the habitual practice of physical exercise has a positive impact on self-esteem and self-confidence. The fitboxing is very beneficial in this regard, since it involves learning self – defense techniques that increase safety in the person.

On the other hand, achieving small and large goals in each class provokes a sense of satisfaction that also fuels self-esteem. This is not to mention the physical effects, such as a healthier weight, which improve image perception.

Tips to start practicing fitboxing

It is not necessary to have a high sports performance to start practicing fitboxing. Still, it is essential to go through an initial learning and adaptation process in order to master the techniques that are applied during training. Therefore, the ideal is to be accompanied by a coach who can guide.

At first, the movements and combinations of blows are strange and seem tedious. However, as they are practiced, it becomes easier and easier to perform them. The coach will be the one who determines when is the moment to increase the intensity. Anyway, there are some general tips to start practicing this discipline.


Learning to relax during workouts is the key to moving forward. It is normal that at first it is difficult to apply the movements and blows without being somewhat tense.

Also, it can be difficult to completely finish the class. Still, you have to try to take it easy and not focus the effort on strength, but on speed and agility.

Wear comfortable clothes

The movements during these exercises should be fluid. Therefore, it is essential to choose comfortable sportswear, which give freedom of movement and do not cause discomfort to the skin. Make sure to choose the correct sizes to avoid inconveniences.

Increase intensity gradually

The truth of fitboxing is that it is a demanding discipline. Despite this, its intensity should be increased gradually, according to physical condition. Trying to move from a sedentary lifestyle to strenuous routines is counterproductive and can lead to injury.

Do strength training

To complement the effects of fitboxing on the body, it pays to adopt a strength training routine. It doesn’t have to be daily; it can consist of 2 or 3 times a week.

Its practice will help build strength in the muscles and, in general, this will benefit your physical condition and your health.

Strength training for fitboxing.

Maintain a healthy diet

As with other sports disciplines, fitboxing must be accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet. Nutritional needs vary from person to person; however, the following should be considered:

  • Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
  • Eat lean meats and fish.
  • Eat dairy in moderation.
  • Consume nuts and seeds.
  • Avoid the consumption of processed, sugars and refined flours.
  • Drink water.

Fitboxing, a way to improve your fitness to the beat of music

That fitboxing has conquered thousands of people around the world is not a coincidence. Its interesting effects on the body and the training with the bag to the rhythm of music make this discipline a different way of exercising and obtaining good results.

Of course, the routines are designed for all audiences. From young people, through adults, athletes and older adults. Anyone can start their practice, as long as they get prior advice from a professional. You dare?

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