5 Steps To Regain Energy

Sometimes tiredness and exhaustion prevent us from doing activities, because we feel lethargic and slow. To recover the lost energy we  only need to change some habits of our daily routine.

Being tired, everything costs more, you feel that things are overwhelming you. It can be a product of stress, many occupations or worries, as well as the emotional state.

It is important to reach a physical and emotional balance  to regain lost energy, spirits and vitality. This is the only way to be healthy.

5 steps you must follow to regain full energy

If you feel exhausted, without the strength to face the day to day, it is time to start taking action. How? Simple, you just have to follow these tips.

1. Healthy eating habits

Healthy food to regain energy

You must have a balanced diet rich in fiber. These have an effect of absorption of carbohydrates in the blood, so your body will absorb the energy in a stable way.

Something important is to comply with the 4 meals: breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner. You should not skip breakfast, as it is the main meal of the day, the one that recovers the body and provides the necessary energy for all daily activities.

Add nuts to your diet, which improve intellectual performance and fight fatigue thanks to their concentration of high-quality proteins and omega-3 fatty acids. The latter element are healthy fats for the body and a great source of magnesium.

It is also important to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables in season, and to reduce the consumption of fats.

2. Rest the right hours

Lack of sleep is one of the factors associated with feelings of fatigue and drowsiness. As this study carried out by the Karolinska Institute (Sweden) highlights, poor sleep can cause lethargy, bad mood and tiredness.

Therefore, sleep must be restorative and it is advisable to sleep at least 8 hours  so that the body can recover. It is very beneficial to take some herbal infusion before going to sleep, in order to clear the mind and lower the stress level.

Among the recommended herbs we can mention linden, valerian, lemon verbena or chamomile. Choose the one you like the most or give them a try to see which one works best for you.

Another recommendation is to avoid the use of telephones and other devices in the hours before sleeping. These elements can cause a poor quality of sleep, as they distract the mind and shorten the rest period.

3. Perform physical exercise daily

Woman exercising

Physical exercise is essential for health: it benefits the circulation, the cardiovascular system, the oxygenation capacity, the strengthening of the bones, it provides strength and balance, to name a few.

It also releases endorphins that help energize you naturally.  In addition, it will increase the adrenaline that will flow through your body during the rest of the day, so you will be in a good mood and with a lot of energy.

4. Hydrate properly

Dehydration causes drowsiness, mental confusion, and fatigue. It is essential to drink plenty of fluids during the day as stated in this study carried out by the Spanish Society of Basic and Applied Nutrition, mainly water. You can also add: tea, coffee, herbal teas, natural fruit juices.

Good hydration contributes to the proper functioning of your body. You will even notice an improvement in the appearance of your skin and hair

5. Avoid excess stimulant substances

Woman drinking coffee

Everything that is consumed in excess is harmful, such as: alcohol, coffee, tobacco, refined sugar. All these substances are stimulants and abusing their consumption can greatly harm the body.

At first, they can give a feeling of euphoria or energy, but then they generate fatigue, downturns, and it is difficult to recover energy after consuming them. Later, it will be necessary to detoxify the body through diet and hydration for its recovery.

Other aspects to consider

In addition to complying with the 5 steps above to recover physical energy, it is important to balance our emotional energy.  We are integral beings where everything is related, and for the organism to function properly we must be in balance.

  • Find moments of silence to be with yourself.
  • Take care of and relax your body with some technique that helps you control stress.
  • Spend time outdoors to connect with nature, walk in the park or on the beach.
  • Practice a pleasant activity for you such as: singing, reading, dancing, playing an instrument. Choose something that is not a responsibility or a job.
  • Try to express your emotions, be flexible and patient. Always keep positive thoughts.
  • Spend time with the people you love and who are really important in your life.

The main thing is not to get more energy from outside. On the contrary, the important thing is to discover the potential that is within each one. Therefore, we must:

  • Accept us
  • Love us
  • Have good self-esteem
  • Set the limits
  • Surround ourselves with positive people
  • Do everything that we consider positive for ourselves.

If we achieve a balance between body, mind and emotions, we will recover the lost energy. Undoubtedly, we will be happy to face new paths and challenges.

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