How To Develop Muscle Mass In The Arms

To achieve more toned arms and develop muscle mass, it is convenient that we include a specific exercise routine at least twice a week.

There are different exercises that are used to develop muscle mass in the arms. They are very simple to do and can be alternated with other exercises to work the whole body well and thus not only gain and maintain a good general shape, but also prevent sagging and premature aging of the skin.

Below we will share some of those exercises so that you can start taking advantage of them. Clever? Let us begin!

Building muscle mass in the arms is not just a “man’s thing”

Muscle stretching or strengthening?

While it is true that men tend to focus more frequently on working this area of ​​the body to show off large muscles, as well as well-marked biceps and triceps, women do too.

In doing so, the goal is not to look “masculine,” but to work your limbs to avoid the sagging (also known as “sagging” of the skin) that comes with sedentary lifestyle and aging.

Developing muscle mass in the arms and working this area is not limited to one sex or the other, despite what you may have stated or implied about it in the past. It is a beneficial practice and allows you to gain a lot in terms of strength and endurance.

In addition, increasing the size of the arms or strengthening the muscle groups in that region is a task that is performed in conjunction with the other parts of the body when you want to achieve a good physical shape in general. This means that a person does not have to limit himself to working only one part of his body, but can work all of them.

In other words: you cannot neglect your legs, abdomen or back in favor of showing off perfect biceps or triceps.

It is important to do combined exercises (such as rows, strides and deadlifts), alternate the weight, gradually increase the number of repetitions, etc. Besides, with the use of weights you will gradually achieve that the muscles develop properly.

Exercise routine to build muscle mass in the arms

Within the physical activity you do, add a routine for your arms twice a week. The exercises that cannot be missed are:

1. Dumbbell curls

Superman exercise with dumbbells.

  • Place two dumbbells on the floor, about shoulder-width apart.
  • Rest your hands on the dumbbells, stretch your legs and spread your feet slightly.
  • Bend your arms and get as close to the floor as possible. Extend them to return to the starting position.
  • Perform three sets of 10 reps each.

2. Pull-ups with bars

  • Hanging from a horizontal bar and with your hands apart, bend your arms in such a way that your body rises and your head passes the line of your wrists.
  • If you cross your legs and keep them close to your chest, you will also be working your abs.
  • Two sets of 10 repetitions each are recommended.

3. Hammered flex

You can either sit or stand to do this exercise.

  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand and bring it up to your chest flexing only the elbow.
  • Do the alternating movements with the right and left arms (when one is flexed the other is stretched).
  • Complete 3 sets of 10 reps with each arm.

4. Triceps dips

It is one of the most effective exercises to develop muscle mass in the arms, because you will use your body and, in addition, you will work other areas (including abs and legs).

  • Place your hands on the edge of a bench or drawer.
  • Stretch your legs as far from the seat as you can and lift your glutes (they should be “in the air”).
  • First the arms are bent, the elbows back and the thighs as close to the ground as possible.
  • Then the triceps are stretched while lifting the body (the buttocks should be at the level of the hands).
  • Repeat 15 times, rest, and do another set with the same number of reps.

5. Triceps dips with parallel bars

Once you have practiced the previous exercise several times, you can move on to a more complex one that requires parallel bars (they are also often included in some of the gym machines).

  • Begin the exercise with your arms bent and your elbows back.
  • Raise your torso and stretch your triceps.
  • At all times the knees are supported on the seat of the machine or bent if you use bars.
  • Keep your back as straight as possible.
  • You can do 2 sets of 10 reps each.

6. Pull up or triceps extension

To perform this exercise you need a pulley and a rope. In gyms this machine allows you to increase the loads as appropriate. You should always start with low or moderate weight and then increase it.

  • Standing with your legs together, take the pulley with both hands.
  • The exercise begins with the arms at shoulder height and continues to bring them down (up to a little above the knee).
  • Repeat 15 times and then do another series of the same.

7. Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Woman doing exercises with the dumbbells to work the deltoids and build muscle mass in the arms.

To develop muscle mass in the arms you have many exercises that do not require machinery or expensive objects. In this case, if you don’t have dumbbells, you can fill a bottle with sand or water.

You can do the triceps extension sitting or standing as long as you keep your back straight and your legs slightly apart.

  • Take the dumbbell with both hands and bring it behind your head.
  • Keep your elbows bent and “touching” your ears.
  • Lift your weight toward the ceiling and stretch your arms well. Go back to the starting position.
  • Do 3 sets of 15 reps each.

8. Dumbbell Hammer Curl

The last of the exercises to build muscle mass in the arms can also be done at home with some weight.

  • Stand up, spread your legs slightly, and take a dumbbell in each hand. Leave the arms at the sides of the body.
  • Bend your elbows and rotate your wrists so that the dumbbells are at shoulder level. The fists are facing each other.
  • Lower your arms and complete 2 sets of 20 reps each.

They are very simple exercises, which you can even do at home without going to the gym. The important thing is that you do not stay without trying them. Remember that exercising is very beneficial for your health.

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