3 Original And Light Recipes With Aubergine

The eggplant, in addition to offering great versatility in the kitchen, allows you to cook in a light and nutritious way.

It is true that it usually requires  a fundamental preliminary step thanks to which the bitterness and excess water can be removed. To do this, we must cut the aubergines into slices or lengthwise, according to the recipe, and sprinkle them with a little sea salt evenly and on both sides.

Next, we leave them on a strainer for a minimum of thirty minutes so that they release the water in the form of small drops. After time, we wash them well with water, dry them and they are ready to be cooked.

Eggplant based recipes

Eggplant battered in oatmeal

Baked aubergine acquires a very tender texture that combines very well with this healthy oatmeal batter that we propose. In addition, it is worth mentioning that it will contrast thanks to its crunchy texture.

Recipe for two people:

  • 2 medium aubergines.
  • 100 grams of rolled oats.
  • Spices to taste
  • Extra virgin olive oil.


Once we have removed the bitterness from the aubergines, cut lengthwise, we will pass them through beaten egg and unground rolled oats. We can also add some spices. Several options are for example oregano, basil, garlic powder or paprika.

Next, we will put them on a baking tray greased with olive oil and we will also add a little olive oil on top. We will bake them at 180 degrees for about half an hour, or until the eggplant is soft and the batter is crispy.

These battered aubergines are recommended to eat alone, although it can also be a very good option to add garnish or with tomato sauce and cheese.

Eggplant pate

This traditional Arabic paté or cold cream is ideal to have a light and delicious meal on hand. It is also highly recommended to accompany it with raw vegetables or toasts.


  • 3 large aubergines.
  • Juice of half a lemon and 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 tablespoons, 35 grams, of sesame paste or tahini.
  • Pepper, cumin powder, and sea salt.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.


We will bake the aubergines, previously debittered, at 180 degrees for thirty minutes. Afterwards, we will let the product cool down so that we can handle them without burning ourselves.

When they are cold, we will remove the skin and put all the pulp in a bowl. In this we will add the lemon juice, the garlic cloves, the tahini, the pepper, the sea salt, the ground cumin and the olive oil. Later, we will beat everything until we get the homogeneous texture we need.

Finally, you have to let it cool in the fridge. It can be decorated with a little pepper or paprika and a dash of olive oil.

Canned aubergines

The best thing about this recipe is that it allows us to always have a very appetizing appetizer or sandwich filling on hand. This is because it can be kept for several weeks in the fridge.

Ingredients for a canning jar:

  • 2 large aubergines.
  • Sea salt.
  • Apple vinager.
  • Fresh garlic.
  • Spices to taste
  • Extra virgin olive oil.


We will cut the aubergines into slices and we will debitter them as we have indicated. We will prepare the oil that we will use to marinate the aubergine. We will add finely chopped fresh garlic, sea salt and spices to our liking.

Next, you have to put a saucepan with one part vinegar for three parts of water to boil. When it is boiling, we will add the aubergine slices with the help of a fork but without releasing them.

This is because they only need to be in the water for a few seconds.  Right until we see that they soften and become more transparent.

When the piece is ready, we will put it in the canning jar and add a little of the oil that we have previously prepared. Then, we will continue with another piece and we will add pieces of aubergine and small amounts of oil to the pot so that everything can be well impregnated.

When we have the jar full, we will let it cool and we will keep it in the fridge. We can use that aubergine in appetizers, sandwiches, garnishes, stews, pasta, etc.

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