9 Tips To Stop Eating Meat Without Suffering Deficiencies

If we want to stop eating meat but consume dairy products, eggs or fish, we will not have a problem with vitamin B12 deficiencies. If we do not eat anything of animal origin, we must take it as a supplement.

People who decide to stop eating meat, for whatever reason, often feel lost when it comes to changing their diet. If not done the right way, the health consequences can be significant. You can suffer, for example, nutritional deficiencies or even gain weight in a short time.

In this article we give you  some keys to stop eating meat with conscience and common sense, to achieve a balanced and healthy diet. 

Stop eating meat without health risks

It makes no sense to stop eating meat if with this measure we are going to cause a deterioration of health. This decision, which we can make out of conviction or due to illness, should lead us to a greater awareness of the food we eat and the nutrients we need.

It is not the same to stop eating meat than to follow a 100% vegan diet.

  • If we only leave the meat, but consume eggs, fish or dairy, we can do the step without any risk to health, as long as we take good care of what we eat. It is good to remember that these foods also have proteins of high biological value, which have been shown to be essential to ensure muscle health.
  • However, we always recommend following up with a nutritionist, as they are an expert in the field.

1. The magnificent virtues of the egg

When you stop eating meat you can eat eggs.

Eggs are a very complete superfood that can help replace any other animal protein.

Although years ago it was recommended not to abuse the egg, today it can be consumed even daily, especially for those people who do not eat meat. According to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition , there is no relationship between egg intake and cardiovascular risk, as claimed in the past.

They are also an excellent source of protein and healthy fats. We recommend consuming organic eggs. It is enough to open a conventional egg and an organic one to confirm the difference between the two.

2. Beware of dairy

Many people who leave meat tend to overindulge in dairy products such as milk and cheese.

However, these foods can be more harmful than we think, especially when those that contain added sugars are consumed.

We can take the opportunity to enter the amazing world of vegetable drinks and combine them with the most digestive dairy products, such as yogurt or ghee .

3. The danger of flours

Another of the mistakes of those who start on the meatless diet is to abuse the flours. Pizzas, pasta, and sandwiches are often the quick and easy alternative.

However, they are not a good option, since they can make us fat in a very short time and also provide us with few nutrients.

What we must increase is the consumption of vegetables, salads and vegetable juices. So we can get high doses of vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber, which will make us feel satisfied.

Keep in mind that there is evidence indicating that the regular intake of vegetables reduces mortality from cardiovascular accidents.

4. Choose your fish well

If we do not eat meat but eat fish, we only recommend not to abuse large-size blue fish (salmon, tuna, swordfish).

These can contain high amounts of heavy metals, potentially toxic to health, especially for children and pregnant women.

It is also advisable to choose those that we know come from seas less contaminated by cyanide.

5. Other sources of calcium

Milk is not the only source of calcium, and it is also not clear that it is the healthiest. We can find good amounts of calcium in the following foods:

  • Sesame.
  • Algae (some more than others, it is convenient to verify each specific type).
  • Broccoli.
  • Almonds

6. Vitamin B12

When you stop eating meat supplements may be necessary.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is only a problem if we do not consume any food of animal origin. In this case we can take it as a supplement, always with a prescription. This vitamin is also present in these foods:

  • Eggs.
  • Dairy products.
  • Fish.
  • Seafood.

7. Iron

Iron should only be taken as a supplement under a prescription. Too much of it can lead to iron poisoning.

If we do not suffer from iron deficiency anemia, we can obtain the necessary amount of this mineral from the following foods:

  • Spinach.
  • Nuts like pistachio.
  • Parsley.
  • Beet.
  • Lentils.
  • Beer yeast.
  • Whole grains such as oatmeal.
  • Broccoli.

8. The excellent vegetable protein

We can find plant foods that are very rich in protein:

  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Vegetables.
  • Whole grains like oatmeal or quinoa.
  • Hemp.
  • Beer yeast.
  • Spirulina
  • Green peas.

9. Whole grains, nuts, and seeds

Whole grains cannot be absent from our balanced meat-free diet , as they contain many nutrients and fiber.

Nor can we forget about nuts, raw or roasted. Likewise, the seeds are also essential. We can even germinate them to enhance their nutritional virtues.

It is possible to reduce meat consumption in a healthy way

Feel free to follow these tips if you decide to stop eating meat in a healthy way. In any case, it is best to see a specialist if, despite everything, you notice any problems. This will recommend the diet that best suits your specific needs, since each person is different.

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