7 Natural Remedies To Eliminate Chapped Lips

Do you suffer from chapped lips? They are annoying, unsightly, and even painful. And not all balms are effective in treating them.

Dryness is what produces the uncomfortable chapping of the lips. However, there are many natural remedies and moisturizers to consider.

The cracks of the lips

They say that the smile is our letter of introduction. However,  shiny teeth are of no use if the rest of the mouth is neglected. A fundamental aesthetic element of our face is, without a doubt, the lips.

We are talking about a portion of skin that does not need major efforts in its maintenance. However, it does need to be taken care of from its worst enemy: dryness.

1. Olive oil


As we know, olive oil is not only used to season salads. It is a food compound with great potential for general skin hydration.

How to use?

  • The only thing we have to do is smear a small piece of cotton with the olive oil and pass it over the lips evenly.
  • We will let the oil act as long as possible and be absorbed by the fleshy skin.

To make matters worse, this food product has natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These establish it as a cosmetic product of great benefits.

2. Menthol oil or balm

Menthol balm is a product derived from mint  and also has some of its analgesic properties. That is why some people use it on wounds and, also, for chapped lips.

How to use?

  • A good idea is to mix 350 g of mint leaves in neutral oil, which can be olive or almond.
  • The important thing is to crush the leaves, mix them with the oil and let it distill over low heat. Then it is placed in a dark jar and voila.

    Be it menthol or peppermint oil, there are several options. This plant can be very useful to combat dry lips.

    3. Shea butter

    Shea butter

    It is the component used in many commercial butters that are sold in pharmacies and that are applied as if it were a lipstick. Beyond this, you can also make homemade creams with this compound.

    How to use?

    • We can prepare a balm for topical use with a tablespoon of this butter and another of avocado pulp.
    • All you have to do is melt the shea and mix.
    • Once the paste is cold, it can be applied several times a day to the lips.

    4. Honey wax

    The natural elixir produced by bees is a very powerful moisturizer and anti-inflammatory. Using it on the skin ensures the absorption of an important load of nutrients capable of reversing the cracks on the lips.

    How to use?

    • We can mix the honey wax with another neutral oil. It is advisable to apply it in the mouth when we fall asleep and remove it when we get up.
    • The best thing is that this solution is ideal for restoring the tissues of each lip, preventing the aging of the epidermis.

    5. Castor oil

    castor oil

    The oil produced by the castor plant is one of the richest in natural fatty acids. They are credited with all the healing potential of this product. It is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants that contribute to the nutrition of the fleshy areas of the lips.

    How to use?

    • This element is available at very low prices in any pharmacy or supermarket.
    • To apply it, you just have to smear a cotton ball and pass it over the affected area. We must avoid savoring it because its taste can be somewhat unpleasant.

      6. Aloe vera or aloe

      Aloe vera or aloe vera secretes an internal liquid when its leaves are cut. It has a strong smell and a bitter taste, but its properties in restructuring the skin are considered by some to be “miraculous”.

      How to use?

      • Due to its unpleasant stench, you have to choose the best time for its application.
      • It is advisable to place the aloe vera when we are in the house for a while before sleeping.

      7. Milk cream for chapped lips

      Milk cream for chapped lips

      This is a little known treatment, but very effective in ending the cracks that appear on the lips. Try it but don’t eat it!

      How to use?

      • A full bowl of whole cow’s milk should be left in the fridge for at least 3 days.
      • The next thing is to remove the cream that remains on the surface and place it in the crevices of the lips.
      • We can also get the cream after boiling the milk. When it is allowed to cool it is much easier to remove this solid substance.
      • Its application can be done several times a day.

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