7 Foods Rich In Lutein To Protect The Health Of Your Eyes

Lutein is a pigment belonging to the carotenoid family that provides  the yellow color to many foods. It stands out for its powerful antioxidant effects that help protect the body against the harmful effects of free radicals.

It also works as a natural sunscreen for the eyes, which helps protect against ultraviolet rays and other external agents.  It originates most of the pigment in the center of the retina, key to having good vision.

It plays a very important role in preventing diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts. In addition, it also contributes to the health of the skin, since it protects it from the sun and prevents it from developing signs of premature aging.

Best of all, it can be easily obtained from the diet, as it is present in significant amounts in many healthy foods.

Discover them!

1. Spinach

foods rich in lutein: spinach

Known for its high content of essential vitamins and minerals, spinach is one of the foods richest in lutein.

They stand out for their powerful antioxidant and restorative action, thus helping to prevent the appearance of disorders such as macular degeneration and loss of visual acuity.

Up to 20% of its composition is dietary fiber, which facilitates blood glucose control to prevent visual impairment associated with diabetes.

2. Broccoli

foods rich in lutein: broccoli

Famous for its high content of water, antioxidants and essential minerals, it is a very complete food that provides many health benefits.

It provides large amounts of flavonoids and quercetin, substances that help reduce inflammation and oxidative cell damage.

In the long term it contributes to reducing the risk of eye diseases, since it protects the eyes thanks to its significant contribution of lutein.

3 eggs

In addition to being a healthy source of high-quality protein, they are rich in lutein and antioxidant compounds that help protect eye health.

Its intake helps to improve the processes that are responsible for filtering harmful light for the eye, in addition to controlling the degenerative action of free radicals.

This indicates that, by including it in the diet, they could reduce the chances of blindness, age-related visual impairment and other eye health disorders.

4. Zucchini

foods rich in lutein: zucchini

Zucchini is a very complete food from a nutritional point of view, which stands out for its particular sweet taste and low calorie content. In addition, it contains phytonutrients, minerals and antioxidants that give it very beneficial properties for health.

It is one of the most recommended sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, pigments that filter the sun’s ultraviolet rays to prevent damage to the retina and other important parts of the eyes.

5. Peach / peach


Peaches are one of the fruits with the highest content of lutein and bioflavonoids. They are very rich in essential nutrients that help minimize the damaging action of free radicals.

Its carotenes help reduce damage caused by stress and the impact of the sun. Thus, eye wear and the risk of conditions such as cataracts and refractive problems are reduced.

6. Grapes

Regular consumption of grapes is a healthy habit to prevent macular degeneration and other conditions that decrease the quality of vision.

Its significant contribution of lutein and other powerful antioxidants prevent the retina from oxidizing, which is key to preventing premature deterioration. This substance and its high content of vitamins and minerals provide a protective effect against toxins and the sun’s rays.

7. Oranges

foods rich in lutein: Oranges

Oranges and other varieties of citrus fruits represent a delicious source of carotenes such as lutein, which is why they  help prevent damage to the retina and the macula.

They are 8% by water and rich in vitamin C, which makes them a healthy food to prevent cataracts. In addition, they can also contribute to delaying refractive disorders and other eye problems linked to the wear and tear of old age.

Include them in your diet! Although these foods do not have the super power to cure visual diseases, consuming them regularly will help delay the deterioration of vision.

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