6 Tricks To Eliminate Bad Smell From Shoes

How to get rid of the bad smell of shoes? Sometimes, the inner leather of some shoes holds sweat more intensely and it takes a lot to soften it. This can be a big problem in our daily life.

Do not worry. In this article we share the best tricks to solve this problem permanently. You can achieve it with some homemade ingredients and in a very simple way. Give them a try!

Tricks to eliminate bad smell from shoes

1. Baking soda

Baking soda to combat shoe odor

Infallible. In our space, we have talked to you on more than one occasion about the great benefits of baking soda for cleaning the home. This natural chemical element has a great antibacterial and disinfectant capacity.  For this reason, this is the most used trick to eliminate the bad smell of the shoes.

The method to do it is very simple:

  • Put a tablespoon of baking soda (15 g) in each shoe, on top of the insoles.
  • Distribute well and let it act overnight.
  • The next morning we can see that the bad smell of the shoes has disappeared.

2. The talcum powder trick

The ideal would be to always have a spare pair of comfortable shoes on hand and every time we have a break or rest, if circumstances allow it to make the change.

Talcum powder works the same way as baking soda. They have the virtue of absorbing moisture and thereby silencing the bad smell. In this case you have two options:

  • Apply a little talcum powder to each shoe and allow it to pass overnight. In the morning we can remove the rest of the powder.
  • Apply talcum powder to the sole of the foot. In this way we limit the sweating that causes the bad smell of the shoes.

3. Trick to eliminate bacteria

Lavender to fight bacteria

This advice is as curious as it is effective. For this we will always need to have a little sage and lavender at home. These aromatic medicinal plants are very beneficial to combat bad odors and aromatize in a very delicate and relaxing way.

How do we do it?

  • Apply  a few sage leaves and a few branches of lavender to each shoe.
  • Afterwards, leave the shoes on the balcony so that the fresh air also kills the bacteria.
  • In the morning we will have the shoes free of bad smells.

4. Orange, lemon or grapefruit

Citrus peelings for bad shoe odor

Another very simple remedy is to use the peel of lemons, oranges or grapefruits. Peeling citrus fruits not only provides a very distinctive smell, but can also be a home trick for this problem.

The citrus peelings would help us to  eliminate the bad smell of the shoes. For this we will follow the same method as with the previous ingredients:

  • Put the peelings of the citrus fruits in the shoes.
  • Let it act all night.

5. Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree essential oil for shoe odor

Among the essential oils with disinfectant properties, that of the tree tea is undoubtedly the most effective. You can find it in natural stores and herbalists. It is not expensive, and it can be used both to eliminate the bad smell of the shoes and to make practical disinfectant gels for the hands.

How do we do it?

  • Apply 3 to 5 drops on the insoles of the shoes twice a week.
  • In this way we will remove the odor and eliminate the bacteria. 

    6. Find the root cause of the bad smell

    We all know that the bad smell of shoes is due to the sweat of our feet. But on occasion, surely you have noticed that there are shoes that smell more than others. Perhaps it is due to the insoles that absorb more sweat and retain it, which also favors the appearance of bacteria.

    Other times, it may be due to some type of hormonal disorder that must be evaluated by a specialist in the subject.

    If you notice that the bad smell of the shoes does not disappear easily, you should change the insoles regularly. If you can’t do it, use special ones that protect you from bad smell and bacteria. Keep in mind that bad odor, in the long run, can cause foot problems.

    How to maintain good hygiene in your shoes

    Finally, we show you how you should maintain good hygiene to avoid the bad smell of your shoes:

    • Try not to wear closed shoes every day. It is bad for the health of our feet and promotes bad odor.
    • When you get home, change your shoes and let those shoes air out.
    • It does not matter if the shoe is of good quality. They all absorb the bad smell. Hence, we must maintain a good cleaning of them. Brush them every day and, inside, you can use a damp cloth with the same detergent you use to clean your clothes.
    • If in your case you usually suffer from excessive sweating on the sole of the foot, it would be appropriate to follow the advice that we have indicated before: apply talcum powder. It is a simple remedy that helps us a lot on a day-to-day basis.

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