6 Facial Sprays To Refresh Your Face

Sometimes it is necessary to resort to the use of facial sprays to refresh ourselves in a way that does not dry out the skin or promote the appearance of impurities.

Although you can buy certain products, it  is a good idea to create your own facial sprays according to the needs of your skin. In the first place, because the ingredients are very easy to find in our kitchen, and secondly, because this way we will make the most of the nutrients.

6 facial sprays

1. Cucumber and orange spray

Cucumber and orange spray

In addition to refreshing your face, this spray will help you control oil thanks to the orange and lemon. Cucumber and aloe vera will nourish the skin and prevent clogged pores.


  • 1 cucumber, peeled.
  • ½ cup of infusion of orange flowers.
    • ½ cup of distilled water.
    • 1 teaspoon of aloe vera.
    • ½ teaspoon of lemon juice.
    • 3 plastic spray bottles.


    • Blend the cucumber with the water and the infusion.
    • Strain to remove large chunks if you want the spray to last longer.
    • In a bowl, combine the freshly blended juice, aloe vera, and lemon juice.
    • Mix well and divide the water into the plastic jars.

    Once you have the facial sprays ready, you can store them in the refrigerator to keep the liquid in good condition. The jar you carry with you should be kept in a cool place, like your purse.

    2. Lavender and chamomile spray

    Another option to refresh your face and prevent oil from being a problem is this spray. Chamomile reduces inflammation and redness caused by acne. Lavender provides smoothness and antioxidants that fight acne scars.


    • ½ teaspoon of chamomile oil.
      • 5 drops of lavender essential oil.
      • 1 cup of distilled water.
      • 2 plastic spray bottles.


      • In a bowl, combine the three ingredients.
      • Divide the resulting mixture between the two plastic jars.
      • Use it whenever you need it.

      3. Anti-aging spray

      Anti-aging spray facial sprays

      Are you worried about fine lines? With this option to refresh your face you can keep it wrinkle free for a long time.

      In case in your family there are precedents of wrinkles in young women but you still do not present them, still apply this spray. It will help you delay the appearance of the first expression lines.


      • 4 drops of vitamin E.
      • ½ cup of water of roses.
      • ½ cup of distilled water.
      • 2 drops of ylang ylang essential oil.
      • 2 drops of rose essential oil.


        All you have to do is combine the ingredients in a spray bottle. Apply as many times as you want on the face and neck. This recipe also works to reduce stretch marks.

        4. Spray for dry skin

        This recipe is perfect for hydrating skin that has no other problem. It is quite simple and easy to create so we recommend that you also use it to hydrate the rest of your body.


        • 1 cup of distilled water.
        • 4 drops of rose essential oil.
        • 1 tablespoon of glycerin.


        Combine all ingredients and store in a spray bottle. You can use it as many times as you want. We recommend not using it if your skin is oily.

        5. Tea spray

        Tea spray

        Do you have inflamed facial skin from acne or eczema? In either case, this facial spray option  will give you the calm you need. We recommend that you keep it in a cold place to increase its cold sensation and effectiveness.

        Green tea provides antioxidants and tea tree oil kills bacteria without complication .


        • 1 cup of iced green tea.
        • 3 drops of tea tree oil.


        In a bowl mix the two ingredients. Apply to clean face as many times as you need. You can help yourself with a cotton ball if the problem is in specific areas but avoid scrubbing or pressing.

        This spray not only serves to refresh your face, it is also a good option to hydrate your legs after waxing. Instead of applying your moisturizer, spray enough of the spray and massage.

        In case you have pseudofolliculitis problems, this spray will also be of great help. Apply as many times as you need.

        6. Hibiscus spray

        The next of the facial sprays to refresh your face is rich in vitamin C and very inexpensive. In addition, it increases the skin’s ability to regenerate and slows the appearance of wrinkles.


        • 1 cup of boiling water.
        • 3 hibiscus tea bags.
        • Juice of 1 lemon.


        • To the boiling water add the contents of the tea bags and the lemon juice.
        • Let stand for 10 minutes and strain.
        • Store the water in a spray bottle and use once in the morning and once in the evening.

        In case you must expose yourself several hours to the sun, change the lemon juice for half a teaspoon of vitamin C powdered. In this way you prevent your skin from darkening.

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