6 Exercises For The Hands To Avoid Discomfort

It is necessary to move your hands from time to time and maintain good postural hygiene to avoid the appearance of discomfort and other complications. 

The hands are one of the parts of the body that we must appreciate the most. They allow us to carry out many of the daily activities of our life. That is why it is important that we take care of them, and the best way to start doing this is by practicing some simple exercises for the hands.

Many times we carry out activities constantly, which are capable of causing damage to the hands and that in the long run will affect our health and, therefore, our activities.

There are two syndromes that can commonly affect the functioning of the hands, which are caused, above all, by maintaining incorrect postures for long periods of time. These syndromes are: carpal tunnel syndrome and Quervain’s tendonitis syndrome.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Although it may not seem like it, many people, with different professions, can be affected by this disease. And what is it about? Well, carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition of the median nerve of the wrist, due to excess pressure on it. It occurs from maintaining poor hand posture.

When this syndrome is suffered,  the fingers become numb and there is intense pain that limits the movements of the hands, among other discomforts.

This problem can be prevented by maintaining good postural hygiene ; that is to say, maintaining a good posture of the hands when carrying out different activities, resting as often as necessary and doing certain exercises.

Quervain’s tendonitis syndrome

Quervain’s tendonitis syndrome, as its name implies, is a type of tendinitis in which the most affected part is the finger joint.  When it is suffered, there is pain, inflammation, numbness and, in more advanced cases, the thumb curves.

  • This syndrome affects, above all, the thumb of the hand with which the mobile phone is most often used.
  • To prevent this, we can change fingers regularly or use both hands when handling the mobile. In addition, it will be necessary to maintain a correct hand posture and perform simple exercises throughout the day.
  • Ideally, reduce mobile use as much as possible to ensure true recovery.

6 exercises to avoid discomfort in the hands

Stretching the wrist muscles

It should be noted that these syndromes can be very annoying. Therefore, if the pains are allowed to pass, the intensity of the pain will be greater and greater, preventing the performance of the simplest tasks on a day-to-day basis.

It is also possible that they bring with them complications and, in extreme cases, surgery may be necessary.

The 6 exercises that we indicate below are a good way to both prevent and relieve discomfort. And best of all, they can be done at any time of the day, while doing another activity, such as watching television or chatting with someone, for example.

1. The rope

To perform this exercise, you must join the palms of both hands, so that the fingers are even. Then, you must be separating and joining the fingers, in pairs, repeatedly.

  • Do this exercise five times, for each pair of fingers.

2. The pinch


Join the tip of the thumb with the rest of the fingers, one by one. First with the index and last with the little finger. Then, you will repeat in the opposite direction.

  • Do the exercise five times, for each hand.

3. The butterfly

In this exercise you must join the palms of your hands and then  bring your fingers as far back as possible. Hold the pose for at least five seconds, then interlock your fingers and squeeze them for an additional five seconds.

  • Perform ten repetitions daily.

4. The ravine

To perform this exercise, you must interlace your fingers in the middle, so that the hand forms a straight line. Bend your fingers down while moving your wrist up. Hold the pose for a second and return to the starting position.

  • Perform ten repetitions daily of this exercise.

5. The hill

Join both hands as in prayer posture. From this position, you will stretch your fingers up, while keeping your arms at chest level. Keep your palms together and lower your arms as far as you can, to reach waist level, and then return to the starting position.

  • Repeat this exercise ten times each day.

6. The swing

To perform this exercise you must keep your palms  (and fingers) together and bring them to the height of your chest. Now you are going to press one palm against the other for a minimum of five seconds. Then return to the starting position and perform the exercise with the other hand.

  • You should perform five repetitions, on each hand, every day.

To consider

Although the key to these problems is prevention, in case you feel discomfort, be sure to see your doctor for an evaluation and early diagnosis. On the other hand, keep in mind that, if your work is office work and you spend many hours a day using your hands, in the same position, it is convenient that you do these exercises for your hands.

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