5 Healthy Habits To Prevent Chest Pain

Have you ever wondered if it is possible to prevent chest pain and how? In that case, you will be interested in what we are going to tell you about next.

Chest pain can present itself in different ways, depending on the cause that is causing it. For this reason, there are people who report a throbbing and even dull pain, while others emphasize the tightness and burning in the area.

Contrary to popular belief, the cause of chest pain is not always a heart attack, so take it easy! Today, there are many people who maintain unhealthy habits due to the hectic pace of life they lead and the excess workload. This all too often leads to physical and mental exhaustion that can lead to chest pain.

To avoid this uncomfortable feeling, we will tell you 5 healthy habits that you can put into practice to prevent it.

Eat a healthy diet to prevent chest pain

Food to take care of the heart.

The accumulation of gases at the intestinal level puts pressure on the abdominal organs. This creates pain that spreads to the front of the chest. For this reason, people experience a pain that “burns” in the upper part of the stomach, accompanied by nausea or regurgitation after meals.

All these discomforts can be secondary to constipation or also to a state of excessive secretion of gastric juice from eating foods rich in fat or spicy.

If it has happened to you and you want to obtain relief, in addition to making the changes in the diet indicated by the doctor and improving your daily hydration, keep in mind the following tips that we are going to comment on.

Do some stretching exercises

Lifting a lot of weight, making abrupt movements or strenuous exercises are activities that promote muscle contracture, especially of the trapezius and deltoid muscles.

All this exaggerated contracture  promotes inflammation and pain, which results in a feeling of “pressure” that increases when you breathe and is relieved by improving posture.

  • A simple solution is to apply warm water compresses to the sore region.
  • Also doing stretching exercises by raising your arms is quite useful to relieve pain.

If your doctor indicates it, take muscle relaxants

Costochondritis is another fairly common cause of pain. It consists of an inflammation of the joints that joins the ribs of the thorax with the sternum. Among the main causes are excessive physical exertion, recurrent cough and some injury to the ribs after some trauma.

  • In treatment, the use of arnica-based topical muscle relaxants is quite effective.
  • Reducing the weight on our shoulders and resting the affected area complement the treatment.

Learn to manage stress to live better

A busy lifestyle leads to increased muscle tension on the shoulders. It can also increase the frequency of the heartbeat and generate that feeling of impending “death”.

Other symptoms are fast breathing and nausea. These are some of the main symptoms of a panic attack. Ingesting an infusion of chamomile or valerian tea to calm anxiety is a good tool.

  • If this happens frequently, you need to change your lifestyle. Try to reduce work and family stress.
  • Doing stressful activities such as going to the movies, going for a walk or playing sports is part of a good therapy to prevent the appearance of chest pain.

Improve your breathing to prevent chest pain

To avoid the onset of chest pain (from stress and anxiety), try to learn and practice deep breathing techniques. These will allow you to be aware of your breathing and calm the thoughts that disturb you.

Keep in mind that some pathologies in the lungs can cause discomfort or a recurrent cough that triggers chest pain. Asthma or chronic bronchitis can also trigger discomfort such as chest pain, so don’t rule out getting a medical check-up.

Keep in mind that, above all, a healthy lifestyle will be the cornerstone of your well-being, so adopting and maintaining healthy habits is of the utmost importance for everything, not just to prevent chest pain.

Eating healthy, exercising daily, putting into practice techniques to manage stress and following the doctor’s recommendations are some of the best guidelines that you have at your disposal.

In your hands you have the power to change your reality and be better. And if you have doubts, remember that you can always consult with your doctor. 

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