5 Fruit Masks Combat Dry And Cracked Skin

Dry, cracked skin is a sign of dehydration in the body . There are many external agents that can cause it, including: 

  • Sun
  • Humidity
  • Chlorine in swimming pools
  • Dust
  • Winter cold

The good news is that dry and cracked skin can be combated with proper hydration. What about if He  water was not enough, you can add fruit masks that protect the skin of the face against the inclemency of the environment.

Read also What sun protection factor should you use to take care of your skin?

Fruit masks against dry and cracked skin

To make the following fruit masks, you should choose the most ripe, good-looking and stain-free fruits.

In addition, you must take into account that fruit they rust if they spend a lot of time outdoors. Thus, We recommend that the fruit masks be prepared to be used at the moment.

1. Apple mask

Apple mask for dry and cracked skin

This mask, in addition to hydrating dry and cracked skin, can fight acne and control the oil that usually appears in the T-zone of the face.

It is also a rich source of vitamin C so it provides antioxidants. 


  • ½ Apple with skin 
  • ¼ cup of cornstarch (28 g)


  1. Put the two ingredients in the blender until they form a paste.
  2. Then, apply to a clean face and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Finally, wash with warm water already apply your favorite moisturizer.

See also: How to prepare 4 homemade masks to take care of the skin of the décolleté

2. Papaya mask

This mask for dry and chapped skin is exceptional because:

  • It is rich in vitamin C
  • It is an antioxidant
  • Nourishes the skin with minerals such as potassium, magnesium and zinc
  • Contains important enzymes to brighten skin


  • ½ small papaya, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 3 tablespoons of lemon juice (30 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of orange juice (30 ml)


  1. First, mash the papaya with the lemon juices and Orange.
  2. When you have a homogeneous mixture, apply on the skin with a soft brush.
  3. Then, let it rest for 15 minutes, covering it with a towel to prevent it from dripping.
  4. Wash with cold water and finally apply your moisturizer.

With this mask it is vital that you avoid exposure to the sun as spots may appear.

In case you must be in the sun, be sure to use a sunscreen with SPF 50 and apply it every two hours.

3. Cocoa mask

cocoa for dry and chapped skin

You may not know, but cocoa is a fruit, and it is rich in antioxidants and natural oils, which is why it helps combat dry and chapped skin.   


  • ½ fresh cocoa
  • ¼ cup of fluid milk (62 ml)


    1. Blend the cocoa and milk until you get a doughy mixture
    2. Then, apply to dry skin and let it sit for 10 minutes
    3. Finally, wash with lukewarm water

    You can buy fresh cocoa in markets or health food stores. If you can’t find fresh cocoa, use a tablespoon of cocoa powder, but make sure it’s pure.

    4. Watermelon mask

    Watermelon is one of the most hydrating fruits you can find. For this reason, it is advisable to consume it in the hottest times.

    This feature also makes it ideal for combating dry and chapped skin. You will see that from the first application there are changes. We recommend applying it once a week.


    • 1 slice of watermelon
    • 2 tablespoons honey (50 g)


    • First, mash the watermelon until it is doughy, but not runny.
    • Add the honey and mix until you get a manageable paste.
    • Then apply to dry skin and cover with a thin cloth.
    • Remove after 10 minutes.

    5. Avocado mask

    avocado face masks for dry and cracked skin

    Among the most suitable fruit masks to combat dry and cracked skin, those based on avocado are always recommended.

    Avocado is rich in vitamins and contains essential oils for regeneration . It also provides vitamins A, B6, E and C.

    For its part, the tomato, hydrates while eliminating spots, softens the face and protects the damaging effects of the sun in the long term.

    With this mask it is also important that you avoid excessive exposure to the sun’s rays. While the tomato protects, the lemon increases the risk of the appearance of spots.


    • ½ avocado chopped
    • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (10 ml)
    • 1 tablespoon of tomato juice (10 ml)


      1. Both lemon and tomato juice must be pure, directly from the fruit.
      2. Mix the avocado with the juices until you get a paste.
      3. Then, apply the mask and leave it on for 25 minutes.
      4. Remove with warm water, without using soap.
      5. Pat dry with the towel.

      Remember that, in addition to applying these masks regularly, it is important that you have a reasonable consumption of water. Otherwise, the dry and cracked skin problem will not go away completely.

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