4 Yoga Poses To Reduce Back Pain

Back pain is a very common condition that can affect daily tasks. However, thanks to yoga postures, you can relax and stretch this area, as well as avoid contractures and prevent their future appearance. We tell you how to achieve it.

Back pain has become one of the most common complaints today. This is due to the increasing use of technological devices, which forces us to sit for a long time, and the stress that we experience daily. When it appears, it is possible to resort to some yoga postures to reduce back pain.

The most normal thing is that the back pain disappears with a little rest and the consumption of some analgesic. However, on some occasions it may stay longer than desired.

The practice of yoga can serve as therapy to improve this symptom, since through this discipline circulation is stimulated and the muscular tension that causes this ailment is relieved. On this occasion, we detail some positions to reduce back pain.

Yoga for back pain

Yoga is a technique used for thousands of years to heal and take care of the body and mind through different postures. As for its effects on mental health, science backs them up to a great extent.

For example, a study published by Frontiers in Psychiatry states that there is growing evidence about its benefits for treating anxiety and other mental disorders. This research clarifies, however, that long-term studies are needed to confirm these properties.

In this sense, in addition, a study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine indicates that yoga produces improvements in people’s mood and anxiety levels.

Regarding back pain, the scientific literature also provides details. Research published by the Annals of Internal Medicine confirms that a 12-week course of yoga sessions gave better results than other conventional care in individuals with lower back discomfort.

Next, we show you which are the best to relieve back pain. Feel free to practice them at home or in an outdoor space.

1. Fists in forward bend

This yoga move for back pain provides the necessary stretch for strained muscles in the spine. It also stimulates the nervous system. It is done as follows:

  • Stand on a yoga mat and spread your feet so that they are parallel to your hips.
  • Bend your knees, bend over and bring your torso over your legs, until your belly touches your thighs.
  • Make two cuffs and put them in the creases of the opposite elbows.
  • Relax your back, neck and head and clench your fists.
  • Do 10 to 20 repetitions. Don’t forget to breathe in and out as you do the exercise.

2. Board against the wall

This move is a bit more complex and requires a lot of practice to do it correctly. It is great for lower back pain, but also to relieve tension in the upper body.

  • Stand in front of a wall with your arms outstretched.
  • Lean the body forward and place the palms of the hands on the wall, with the fingers well stretched.
  • Reaffirm the position of the fingers on the wall and draw the navel back as you stretch the tailbone towards the floor.
  • Raise the ribs from the pelvis, so that you achieve a natural curvature of the lower back and activate the belly.
  • Keep your spine straight.
  • Finally, begin to walk with your legs back, bending at the waist and coming to form an L.
  • Repeat this exercise for 10-20 breaths and then return to the starting position.

3. Downward facing dog

Woman doing downward facing dog pose

The Downward Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana  is an ideal posture for warming up as it involves stretching the entire body. This work requires an effort from the spine and favors the circulation of blood from the lower part of the body to the head. It also serves to strengthen the muscles and joints of the arms, legs, neck and back.

  • First, get into a doggy position, with your feet hip-width apart. Use the palms of your hands as a point of support.
  • Next, rest your toes and stand up in downward facing dog.
  • It is important that you do not arch your back too much back because you can contract the muscles incorrectly.
  • Raise your front ribs to firm your shoulders and spine.
  • Push your tailbone toward your heels, then press through the inside and outside of your feet again.

4. The child, another yoga posture for back pain

Balasana or child's pose.

The Balasana or position of the child is a relaxed movement that generates an active stretch of the spine. It is used to rest between exercises or finish a stretching routine, and it is recommended to calm the tension associated with stress.

Regarding the latter, a recent study published by the National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology concluded that this posture contributes to the decrease of blood pressure and heart rate in stressed students. To do so, follow these steps:

  • First, turn around and get into the four-point position, to do the child’s pose for a minute or several.
  • Try the pose with your knees apart, big toes in contact, and then bring your knees together for a spinal cord stretch.
  • If your head does not reach the ground, place a yoga block or the points under the forehead so that it relaxes completely.
  • The arms can also be placed at the sides of the body.
  • Inhale deeply and on each exhale feel the tension dissolving.

Take advantage of yoga to reduce your back pain

As you can see, it is very easy to do some yoga poses to decrease back pain and increase the feeling of well-being. If you combine them with breathing exercises or meditation, you can obtain many benefits for the balance and health of the body and mind.

Ultimately, keep in mind that if your complaints get worse or become chronic — Mayo Clinic experts say they should go away “in a couple of weeks” —it is best to see your doctor. In any case, if the professional approves it, you can use yoga to complement the indicated treatment.

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