4 Reasons To Drink Warm Water Instead Of Cold

How do you like to drink the water normally? Do you usually vary the temperature depending on the season of the year or do you maintain it? Many people decide to drink lukewarm water throughout the year, as they believe that this way they can obtain various benefits for their health.

It is said that warm water can help improve digestion processes and also provide other benefits on a day-to-day basis.

Here are the 4 most popular reasons why people decide to drink warm water on a daily basis.

1. Contributes to the health of the digestive system

Drink water to stay hydrated

It is said that drinking warm water is very beneficial for the digestive system, since it helps to better assimilate food and its respective nutrients. On the other hand, cold water is said to help solidify the fat in food and slow down digestion.

So if you choose to drink warm water, you could digest your food more easily. On the other hand, it is often said that water at a warm temperature can help fight (or prevent) constipation. 

2. It is ideal to take care of the respiratory system

Drinking water is very beneficial for the respiratory system. Now, according to beliefs, drinking cold water perhaps not so much, as it could cause inflammation of the mucosa and increase the risk of suffering from infections and throat problems.

Instead, lukewarm water is said to be beneficial and can even ease the discomfort of a sore or infected throat.

3. Stimulates the proper functioning of the blood system

Drinking water increases blood flow and therefore contributes to the entire blood and cardiovascular system. However, drinking warm water has not been shown to provide any additional health benefits or to significantly improve quality of life.

However, there are those who consider that drinking warm water before and after training better takes care of the health of their cardiovascular system and muscular apparatus.

4. It is essential to hydrate the body

In case you feel a little sleepy or tired when doing activities such as studying, reading and writing, drinking a little fresh water can help. However, you should not go overboard with this.

According to a study published in 2001, the consumption of cold water has been associated with migraines. Therefore, patients are advised to avoid consuming very cold drinks or ice water.

MedialNewsToday experts comment that drinking water is essential in any case. Temperature is not really a relevant factor. Now, in case of headache or migraine, it may be best to avoid ice water and drink warm water.

Other considerations

Bottled water or tap water: which is healthier?

  • By consuming water, the joints are lubricated and the resistance of the ligaments is improved. 
  • If we drink enough water every day, the chances of suffering from kidney stones and urinary infections decrease.
  • Water is a drink capable of hydrating and, to a certain extent, appeasing hunger when you feel anxious to eat.
  • Water is the best ally against fluid retention.
  • Drinking water can help us prevent multiple problems. If there is not enough hydration, the body concentrates more toxic substances.
  • Water supports all the processes of the skin, thus helping us to look much better every day. 
  • If we do not consume the necessary amounts, we will be complicating the task for different organs, such as the liver, kidneys, digestive or immune systems. These will not be able to fulfill their functions correctly, which could affect the rest of the body.

It is not necessary to drink two liters of water a day always

It is not true that they should drink one or two and a half liters a day. However, health and nutrition experts advise people to drink based on thirst, even in summer.

On the other hand, they warn that you have to drink water, but without going to the extreme. Potomania can have serious health consequences.

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